Coopershill House Sligo Ireland

Incredible Things to Do in Sligo, Ireland (Weekend Getaway Guide)

Sometimes you need to find a place that feels removed from everyone else for a weekend of R&R and solitude. After wrapping up nonstop, action-packed two months of travel we were worn out and needed to slow it down and we found the perfect place to do it: Sligo, Ireland.

Slow travel is actually our preferred way of seeing a place. We like not having too much planned and being able to just go with the flow and take it all in.

Why Sligo, Ireland?

Sligo is one of those lesser-known, hidden gem destinations in Ireland. Its rugged landscape is full of natural wonders from mountains to seaside views. 

The area was breathtaking enough to inspire artists like the poet, W.B. Yeats. Rain or shine, you can’t help but be awe inspired by the dramatic views and fresh ocean breeze.

We teamed up with Ireland’s Blue Book, who has a collection of the finest Irish country homes, castles, and manors for visitors to escape on a refreshing or romantic getaway in their country’s beautiful countryside.

We spent two amazing evenings at Coopershill House, a private estate and 500-acre property that has been passed down generation to generation starting way back in the 1500s.

The entire weekend was filled with beautiful scenery, countryside charm, historical sites, a cool seaside town, and of course the luxurious countryside manor.

Here are all the lovely things to do in Sligo, Ireland for the perfect, relaxing weekend!

What to Do in Sligo, Ireland in a Weekend

Stay at Coopershill House

Coopershill House Sligo Ireland

Nestled in Riverstown, just a few miles inland from Sligo is CoopersHill House. A historic estate built in 1774 by the O’Family and associated with the Cooper family by marriage, this 500-acre property has been in the family for centuries.You can actually see ruins from the orig

inal estate in the long tree and pasture lined driveway.

Coopershill House Sligo Ireland

It has been hosting guests in individually restored rooms since the 1970s. Enjoy some tea with freshly baked caked at 4 pm while sitting fireside in their sitting room. Don’t miss dinner using their family’s  very own fine china with farm to table fresh meals.

Coopershill House Sligo Ireland

The entire experience is out of a romantic Hollywood film. Cooperhill’s property is gorgeous, and you’re encouraged to take a step outside and visit the horses, look at the deer, and listen to the gentle trickle of the river running through the property.

Coopershill House Sligo Ireland

The Beautiful Interior

Inside you feel like you’re in a living museum.

Coopershill House Sligo Ireland

Filled with antiques and furniture passed down from generation to generation the house is immaculate and restored beautifully.

Coopershill House Sligo Ireland

You can’t help but be impressed that even the smallest details from photos to bathtubs in the home are antique.

Coopershill House Sligo Ireland

There is even one bathroom that has what must have been one of the first bathtub showers. There were many different nozzles that you would really need to have someone who knows what they are doing help you draw a bath.

Coopershill House Sligo Ireland

Since the house only has 8 rooms for guests you quickly become friendly with other guests.

Coopershill House Sligo Ireland

One couple we met comes to Coopershill annually and actually told us about her experience using the antique tub. She did mention she needed help figuring out all the different nozzles and faucets from Simon, the current property owner.

Coopershill House Sligo Ireland

Staying here felt like taking a step back in time. Even the rooms are without televisions, however, you can connect to wifi. It was nice to go somewhere where you felt like you were removed from the modern world a bit.

Coopershill House Sligo Ireland

Making a living online means we are always in front of our screens. It was refreshing to just take a break from the screens and enjoy a life that was pre-technology, even if just for two days.

To add icing on the cake, we also came during the beginning of the fall foliage changing and the colors of the trees just made the place feel a little more magical.

Coopershill House Sligo Ireland

One way, Simon O’Hara, the owner with his parents makes you feel at home is that he’ll come and chat with you. He even gives some great tips on what to see nearby. It was really fun conversing with him since he has quite the interesting background! Also an avid traveler, he’s even worked on safari in Africa.

Coopershill House Sligo Ireland
Cocktails by Simon

This was an experience we will never forget. It also reminds us that we need to find more experiences like this more often.

Planning a trip to Sligo, Ireland needs to include a stay at Coopershill House. If for some reason you cannot get a reservation try calling and seeing if there are any open seats for dinner in the manor. Sometimes they do have open seats at dinner and take outside guests!

Visit the Caves of Keash

Caves of Keash Sligo Ireland

We found the Caves of Keash by accident while driving around Sligo Ireland looking for a hot meal at the Fox’s Den.

Sadly, they were closed. We couldn’t help but notice these huge, gaping black holes on the side of the giant limestone cliffs overlooking a pasture of sheep.

It turns out that these were the Caves of Keash, one of Sligo, Ireland’s hidden gems on Keshcorran Mountain. There are 16 different caves to explore after a short walk up the trail from the car park.

Archeologists have found many remains and bones from Ice Age animals to humans within the caves. Besides having scientific value to the past, the caves also do have plenty of folk tales and folklore. One includes a tale about one of Ireland’s kings Cormac Mac Airt and how he was raided by a she-wolf in the caves.

If you are running short on time you can easily enjoy the enigma of the caves by just doing a drive by and pulling off to look up at the giant black cavities in the side of the mountain.

Visit the Megalithic Tomb Sites

Sligo Ireland

Besides having unique caves, Sligo, Ireland has Megalithic and Neolithic tombs and cemeteries scattered throughout the county.


One being very near to the Caves of Keash on Keshcorran Mountain. Carrowkeel was actually recommended to us by Simon. He went on to explain how fascinating these ancient tombs were. You can actually crawl through the passageway and admire the view from inside the tombs on a clear day.

Situated upland, this tomb complex has rewarding views of the surrounding landscape. They date back to around 5,000 years ago. You can spend an afternoon exploring the surrounding area where there are 14 different passage cairns. The easiest one to access is the one on the first hill where you can basically drive your car all the way up to.

We showed up on a rainy day with barely any visibility while I was battling a cold, so we didn’t end up going up past the car park. We did, however, enjoy the sheep chilling alongside the road.

Apparently, it’s best to go on a clear day so you can really get to see the view. It didn’t work out for us, but we would give it another try in a heartbeat.


Besides Carrowkeel, another notable historical site in Sligo, Ireland is the Carrowmore Megalithic Cemetery. It’s the largest megalithic cemetery in the country and one of the oldest in the continent dating back to around 4,000 B.C and easy to access with a visitor center.

The sites look like piles of rock, to be honest, but the history and the age of these tombs is rather interesting.

Check out Sligo City

A trip to Sligo, Ireland isn’t complete without checking out the city. While it’s not the largest city and you don’t need much time, its still a quaint town worth taking a lap around or enjoying a hot meal.

No matter how many we go to, we still love walking the streets of small Irish towns with their cute storefronts and pub lined streets.

The raging River Garavogue runs through the center of town connecting Lough Gil to Sligo Bay. While the water is a force not to be reckoned with, one look at the raging rapids and you’ll understand why it does help set the scene in town.

We recommend eating at least one meal, whether it be lunch or dinner in town. We enjoyed a hearty lunch at Swagman Bar, a no-fuss craft beer pub near the center of town. Our meals were delicious and we are always down to sample a new craft beer.

This is also where you can shop or pick up any last minute items you may have forgotten on your getaway to Sligo Ireland or check out some of the sites in town including the Sligo Abbey or Sligo Cathedral.

*If you visit during peak season before the end of August you can do a walking tour of Sligo starting at the Sligo Tourist Office weekdays and Saturdays at 11 am. They cover the town while sharing some of the history including why Sligo has ties with Dracula!

Enjoy the Knocknarea Scenic Drive

Knocknarea Scenic Drive Sligo Ireland

One of the two iconic hills in Sligo Ireland is Knocknarea. The 1,000 ft limestone hill, or mountain, is a part of the natural skyline of Sligo. It has a scenic drive around the entire hill and is situated between Sligo and Ballysadare Bays.

The drive itself is beautiful and short enough to be driven twice. We were unlucky with finding pull off points to just hop out of the car and take photos thanks to the narrow roads, but it was a beautiful regardless.

It only takes about 20 minutes to do but we highly urge take some time to get lost taking turns down random roads that either lead to new viewpoints.

There are more megalithic tombs on Knocknarea as well as the burial site for Queen Maeve of Connacht.

After witnessing the views you can understand why this landscape inspired famous Irish poet, Yeats.

Check out Benbulben Mountain

Sligo Ireland

Also known as “Table Mountain,” Benbulben is the most photographed and recognized viewpoint in Sligo, Ireland. Another place that inspired the works of Yeats and a place that gathers outdoor enthusiasts year round.

With hiking and running trails around the mountain, safe walking trails up Benbulben on the south side of the mountain, or horseback riding with that epic backdrop.

Yeats even wrote a poem entirely dedicated to Benbulben titled, “Under Ben Bulben.”

Besides being stunning, a place for people to get fresh air, and inspiration for literature Benbulben is also a place with its very own legends including fairy doors. It is said that this is the only place in the country where mortals can see fairies with their naked eye as well as other legends.

You can also visit Glencar Waterfall from Benbulben as well located just a short walk from the carpark at Glencar Lake.

Coopershill House Sligo Ireland

Sligo, Ireland has to be one of the most underrated destinations in the country.

When you’re visiting Ireland be sure to plan some time outside of the most touristy spots like Dublin, Killarney and the Ring of Kerry, and the Cliffs of Moher to lesser-known countryside gems like Coopershill House and the rest of the gorgeous landscape and sites that make up Sligo!

Have you been to Sligo, Ireland? What did you think?

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