View of Regensburg Germany from above

Incredible Things to do in Regensburg (One of Our Favorite Cities in Germany)

We have now had the opportunity to explore and enjoy all the best things to do in Regensburg, Germany two different times (and hopefully again in the future) because this city stole our hearts.

We are in awe of the incredible stone medieval buildings and winding passages full of independent shops and merchants, a gorgeous stone bridge, the Danube River flowing through the city, an incredible cathedral, and historical restaurants and breweries.

After traveling around Germany on several trips over the years, one thing we found is that its hard to find any place, especially in the areas we had been, that hadn’t been hugely affected by World War II let alone an almost perfectly preserved medieval city still with Roman structures standing.

While exploring Regensburg, Germany we discovered one of Germany’s and Europe’s truly magical medieval cities full of incredible history and buildings that were barely touched in WWII. Our guide told us that only 13% of the city was destroyed during this time which is quite rare to find in Germany.

It’s no wonder why UNESCO named this city a World Heritage Site. Explore our guide to Germany’s magical medieval city with all the best things to do in Regensburg Germany.

Brief History of Regensburg

David and Goliath fresco in Regensburg Germany

You can see traces of Roman history here in Regensburg, Germany as well as a majority of its medieval past. Because of its incredible preservation of medieval stone buildings, Regensburg, Germany has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site with over 1,200 designated historic protected buildings.

Not to mention Regensburg, Germany is also considered one of the oldest cities in the country.

In the 13th century, Regensburg was considered one of the largest cities not only in Germany but in all of Europe.

What’s fascinating about this city is that in 1245 it became independent from the German empire, and is very proud of this, until it lost its independence to Napoleon in 1810. While they were independent from local rulers, they still were under the rule of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nations making them a “free Imperial city.”

You can see traces of this proud period of history here throughout the city from the red and white shutters on buildings near the Stone Bridge, the red and white symbolize independence to the giant David and Goliath fresco which would greet visitors as the gateway to the city when they entered from the ports off the Danube River.

Regensburg, Germany is historically a very wealthy city thanks to its strategic location on the Danube River making it a power player in trading including salt from the Alps.

You can see the historical significance of the wealth in this region just by walking around the city. You will see tall towers connected to buildings which was a way for private residences to flaunt their wealth, more on that later.

Some still consider Regensburg, Germany the heart of Bavaria even though Munich is considered the capital, Regensburg is 1000 years younger than Bavaria’s current capital.

This city has served as the residence of dukes and chiefs of Bavaria historically and always been a very significant place for Bavaria.

There’s so much fascinating history here that you could spend years learning it. One small fact we also learned is that this is also where famous German astronomer, astrologer, and mathematician Johannes Kepler died in the year 1630.

What to do in Regensburg Travel Guide

Check out the Breweries & Beer Gardens

Regensburg Weissbraeuhaus beer flight in Regensburg Germany Bavaria

Easily one of the best things to do in Regensburg, Germany is check out the local beer scene and local brews at their different breweries and beer gardens. Whether you are looking for a hearty Bavarian meal to pair with your local brew or just a refreshing beer with a nice view there are plenty of options in the city.

Here are a few not to be missed:


Brewing beer since the year 1649, Bischofshof is one of the incredible local traditional breweries and one of the best things to do in Regensburg, Germany if you’re a beer lover like us.

Located in the former episcopal residence next to the cathedral, hence the name Bischofshof which translates roughly to Bishop and church, today you will find the brewery, restaurant, and hotel serving Regensburg, Germany with a dozen different beers they brew all under the German Purity Law.

The restaurant serves traditional Bavarian meals and even exports its beer to 25 countries. They even have an international brewery location in Brazil if you find yourself traveling through South America and fancy yourself some traditional German beer.

Something special that Bischofshof does that no other brewery we visited does, that we are aware of, is that they hold an annual Beer Queen pageant with the local young ladies.

Kneitinger Brewery

One of our favorite beer drinking environments and things to do in Regensburg, Germany is visit Kneitinger Brewery and Restaurant. This brewery has been producing beer in the same location since the year 1530 making it one of the oldest in town.

You can arrange for a tour of the facility with a beer sampling afterward, but we highly recommend trying out the Bavarian dishes and beer at their restaurant and beer hall location.

In the evenings this is a very popular spot among the locals. They even have their own ‘regulars’ section where locals gather nightly to drink their beer and hang out.

The environment here was especially lively and fun, we even saw groups of young men dining and drinking together wearing their lederhosen as a group.

This is a special place to the locals and you can feel it when you come in on the evenings.


Another great brewery to check out in Regensburg, Germany is Weissbraeuhaus. Located in the heart of Old Town you can sit and dine here, their cuisine is traditional Bavarian, or just come in and have a flight of their different beers.

We enjoyed a lunch here along with a tasting flight, which are very generous pours by the way. We sampled our way from light to dark and enjoyed each beer brewed under the German Purity Law.

Sit and sip among the big copper kettle that is brewing beer in front of your eyes. This is another place that has a cozy atmosphere for you to enjoy a local beer.


Another great thing to do in Regensburg, Germany if you’re looking for a nice place to sit back and enjoy a beer with a view is head to Spitalgarten beer garden. The location is across the Danube River on the Old Stone Bridge overlooking the gorgeous medieval skyline with the cathedral and the river.

The beer gardens are only open in the warmer months as you sit outside but are a great place to relax while you try some more local brews or a great place to rest your legs after walking around and exploring all day.

If you find yourself hungry or need a snack you can order anything from beer snacks like a Bavarian pretzel to a full meal.

Alte Linde

Another great beer garden right on the Danube River is Alte Linde. Located on the sliver of land under the Old Stone Bridge. Much like Spitalgarten, there are incredible views of the cathedral and gorgeous buildings dotted along the Danube River.

This is another spot where if you find yourself hungry you can also order some beer snacks or traditional Bavarian meals to pair with your beer.

Visit the Historic Sausge Kitchen / Historische Wurstkuchl

The famous Historische Wurstkuchl sausage in Regensburg Germany

Easily one of our favorite things to do in Regensburg, Germany and most memorable experiences is eating at Historische Wurstkuchl.

This is considered one of the oldest continuously running restaurants in the world! If that doesn’t impress you then their sausage will.

Located right on the Danube River in an adorable little green building, this establishment serves up their traditional plate of sausages on a bed of sauerkraut that you can pair with their homemade sweet mustard.

They also have a few other dishes like Bratwurst if you’re craving something a bit different. It is said they can serve up to 6000 sausages a day!

The original sausage kitchen dates back to 1135 when the construction of the Stone Bridge was taking place they needed to feed the workers. Back then, the restaurant was called Garkueche auf dem Kranchen, which translates to a kitchen or cook near the crane.

Megan holding a plate of sausages at the worlds oldest continuous running restaurant in the world

The current structure dates back to the 17th century and the current family who operates the business has been running it since 1806 generation after generation.

You can dine outside at the picnic tables along the Danube River with a view of the Stone Bridge, dine in the adjacent indoor seating area next door, or our favorite, dine inside the sausage stand.

Don’t forget to pair a dark draft beer with your sausage either! And it would be criminal not to add a heaping portion of the sweet Bavarian mustard to your plate (which you can buy and take home too for around 2 Euro a jar!).

A fun detail to notice are all the markers on the outside and inside of the sausage stand that indicate the date and water level of the flooding from the Danube River. Sometimes the sausage kitchen was almost completely underwater and flooded, it’s hard to imagine what kind of damage that does each time.

If you dine inside you’ll notice that too along with other old antiques and interesting features that show the true age of this establishment.

This is one of those experiences we will never forget and easily one of our favorite things to do in Regensburg, Germany.

Try Some Chocolate at Café Prinzess

chocolates from PRINZESS Confiserie & Café in Regensburg Germany

Another one of the best things to do in Regensburg, Germany if you have a sweet tooth is check out the first chocolate shop and café in the city!

Café Prinzess has been serving chocolate since chocolates early days in Europe since the year 1686 making the oldest chocolate shop in Germany.

Located across the historic town hall, Café Prinzess serves up coffee and a huge array of chocolates that are like works of art good enough for royalty since they do serve chocolates to the Princely House of Thurn and Taxis.

Besides serving up the best chocolates, they also serve different cakes and sweets. This is the perfect afternoon pick me up if you have a sweet tooth and need a coffee!

The Stone Bridge

The Stone Bridge in Regensburg Germany

The Stone Bridge or Steinerne Brucke is another one of the unmissable things to do in Regensburg, Germany. This is one of the most notable landmarks in Regensburg, Germany dating back to the 12th century and is considered a masterwork of medieval construction and is the oldest preserved bridge crossing the Danube River.

It was commissioned by Charlemagne after a wooden bridge located a little off the current location wasn’t adequate due to flooding risks and being unable to keep up with the needs of how much traffic was coming in and out of the city.

Along with the cathedral, the bridge is also one of the most important landmarks of the city and has undergone serious restoration to keep it alive.

The bridge connects the Old Town with Stadtamhof in Regensburg, Germany and besides being a great way to get across the river it’s a great place to catch one of the most beautiful views of the city.

While you’re here check out the Bridge Tower Museum featuring a few local exhibits and the history of the construction of the bridge.

Admire the Towers of Regensburg 

a family tower attached to homes in Regensburg Germany

Another one of the best features and things to do in Regensburg, Germany is notice the towers of the city as you’re walking around.

The tallest tower is the Town Hall or Rathaus Tower (City Hall). Every tower after this is supposed to be a little shorter as to not out do the Rathaus.

Regensburg, Germany had a lot of wealth and one way its residents showed off its wealth and homage to the finer things in life like Italian architecture was to build private towers connected to their residences that looked like fortress towers.

The families all rivaled each other by trying to flaunt as much wealth as possible in the height of their towers, the only rule was it couldn’t be taller than the Rathaus (Town Hall). The taller your tower, the richer you were said to be.

There are around 20 of these towers throughout the city giving it an incredible medieval skyline. In its prime, there were about 60.

What’s even more interesting is even though the towers literally tower over the house its connected to, anything higher than the house itself was just a façade. I thought this was especially interesting because if I have a tall tower connected to my house I am going to want the view from the top. But I guess it was just a flaunt of wealth so that didn’t matter to the wealthy homeowners in the Middle Ages.

You will notice these all over the city, and after knowing the history you can’t help but find them fascinating and one of the more interesting things to do in Regensburg, Germany is spotting them around the city.

St. Peter’s Cathedral

A view of Regensburg Cathedral from across the river

The other most notable landmark and one of the best things to do in Regensburg, Germany is visit the iconic St. Peter’s Cathedral. This cathedral is an important piece and example of preserved Gothic architecture in the Bavarian State.

One of its most notable features is its original stained glass from the Middle Ages.

The first record of a cathedral here in Regensburg, Germany dates back to the year 700 AD, however, the current cathedral is from the 12th century after fires ravaged the previous structures.

This is also the final resting places for important Bishops. Be sure to go inside and admire this incredible structure that is one of the most prized pieces of architecture in the city.

Try a Regensburg Knacker

the famous Regensburg knacker

If you find yourself feeling a bit snackish or looking for a light meal then you don’t want to miss this next iconic thing to do in Regensburg, Germany.

Don’t miss a chance at trying a local treat and specialty, a Regensburger Knacker. This snack is made up of a special boiled pork sausage, horseradish, sweet mustard, and sliced pickles on a bun.

It’s small so it’s perfect for a snack or a very light meal if you find yourself wanting to save room for chocolates at Café Prinzess later!

You can find these at the small booths around Neupfarrplatz Square surrounding the cathedral.

Porta Praetoria Roman Ruins

Porta Praetoria Roman Ruins in Regensburg Germany

History buffs will want to seek out Porta Praetoria, the last Roman ruins and one of two remaining Roman gate left in Germany, the other being in Trier.

This is just an example of how much history has taken place here in Regensburg, Germany. The Romans, led by Marcus Aurelius, built their military camps here and Porta Praetoria was the main gate.

This dates back to 179 AD and can be seen by walking near the end of Hotel Bischofshof, the same brewery, hotel, and restaurant mentioned earlier.

It’s just so fascinating that history from that long ago survived all these years and to be able to see it with your own eyes, it’s a quick thing to do in Regensburg, Germany but totally worth the effort in looking for it.

Artisan Shopping Around Regensburg

Hans Weger artisan basket weaver exterior of the shop in Regensburg Germany

Another one of the best things to do in Regensburg, Germany, at least for me, was check out all the local independent artisan shops. One thing I loved about these adorable German towns we explored was that there were so many small, independent retailers, some of which you can tell has been in their location for generations, like a locksmith shop down one of the little passages we found.

It’s no secret that it’s getting harder and harder for small businesses to stay afloat here and with online shopping available at our fingertips at all times with free overnight shipping it really made me miss and appreciate even more small, independent boutiques and retailers shopping experience.

There’s no shortage of these types of shops in Regensburg, Germany, in fact skilled crafts have been a thing here since the Middle Ages.

I mention a few of our favorite local artisan shops and retailers below, many of which I purchased from on our trip!

Hütkonik Der Hutmacher – The Famous Hat Shop

Hütkonig Der Hutmacher in Regensburg Germany

If you are a Disney fan or a fine-crafted hat fan this next thing to do in Regensburg, Germany is for you! Visit the shop of Hütkonig Der Hutmacher, the famous hat store here in the city where every singly hat is made by hand and is meant to last a lifetime.

The hat maker, Andreas Nuslan is famed for his fine craftsmanship has made hats for royalty, presidents, and celebrities. He even was asked to make the hat for Disney for Johnny Depp as the mad hatter in Alice in Wonderland.

The Alice in Wonderland Hat from Hütkonig Der Hutmacher in Regensburg Germany

You can actually find the famous Disney Mad Hatter hat on display in the store as it’s proudly displayed.

The store is worth popping in, there’s more to it than just the first floor of men’s hats too. Continue up a level and you have the women’s section and a gorgeous view of the cathedral.

Geigenbau Goldfuss

Geigenbau Goldfuss in Regensburg Germany

There’s no better sound than hearing a skilled musician playing a live instrument. When we walked into Geigenbau Goldfuss, we were greeted with a sound of a young man trying out a violin in this shop dedicated to making, restoring, repairing, and renting out string instruments.

Three generations of the Goldfuss family have mastered the extremely precise craft of working on string instruments. They even make original copies of violins by Stradivarius and de Gesu and they even have a collection of rare and centuries-old string instruments in the shop.

Hans Weger: Artisan Basket Weaver

Hans Weger Artisan Basket Weaver in Regensburg Germany

One of my favorite memories from our most recent visit to the city that has been imprinted as one of my favorite things to do in Regensburg is visit Hans Weger’s shop where you’ll find a collection of handmade rattan works from baskets, purses, to furniture.

A third-generation master basket weaver, Weger works on his craft right in the store where you can shop everything made by him. I ended up eyeing up and purchasing a woven shoulder bag and purchased it.

Immediately after, Hans asked if we’d like to hear a song as a form of gratitude for our business on the grand piano in the middle of the shop. Of course, we said yes. He played for us a song he composed (all of the music he plays he composes) and the lyrics of the song were written by a woman in his church.

I don’t think I will ever forget this moment as it’s not every day that you get to purchase a handmade product from the craftsman, but its followed by a free performance!

Bürsten Ernst Broom & Brush Manufacturer

Bursten Ernst Broom and Brush Manufacturer in Regensburg Germany

One of my favorite stores and things to do in Regensburg was visit Bürsten Ernst, a shop and manufacturer of handmade brushes, brooms, and combs plus an array of other home goods.

The shop is currently on its fifth generation of master brush makers we had the opportunity to meet Sophie, who is learning the craft from her grandmother and they run the shop together. She helped me pick out a homemade boar bristle hairbrush that I have been wanting to upgrade for quite some time.

It was really tempting to buy every style of brush they had available for cleaning too, I am already regretting not purchasing the cleaning brushes meant for dusting your home.

Sophie told us that a woman came into the store to let her know that she bought and still uses the broom for her house in this shop nearly 40 years ago, almost twice as long as Sophie’s age. And if that didn’t sum up the quality craftsmanship you’ll get when purchasing their products, I don’t know what will.

I love that you can still find and buy handmade, quality products that don’t require replacing after just a few years. Something that is harder to come by anymore!

Keramik-Werkstatt Küffer

Keramik Werkstatt ceramic studio in Regensburg Germany

Walking around Regensburg, one shop that caught our eye that we had to walk in was Keramik-Werkstatt Küffer, a ceramic studio, and workshop with colorful wares from fun decorations and sculptures, to beautiful dishes and bowls.

Steps away from the Old Stone Bridge, you can’t help but spot their adorable shop and workshop and the whimsical pieces found here. But, we are often attracted to ceramics as Scott studied and worked with a professional ceramicist when he was a teenager.

Try a Local Elixir from the Oldest Store in Regensburg


I am always attracted to places that are the ‘first’ in something, the ‘oldest’ of something, or have some sort of claim to fame that indicates this establishment has stood the test of time.

That’s no exception for Engel Apotheke, the oldest shop in Regensburg that’s been open since 1259. Technically, it’s moved locations. In 1637, this apothecary moved to its current location.

When you go inside, it resembles most apothecaries you’ll stumble upon in Germany, but something you need to try (if you’re a curious traveler like myself) is their specialty health concoction called Schmidl Bitters elixir.

This bitter health drink is meant to aide digestion and settle your stomach made up of herb extracts.

In fact, many apothecaries in Germany and in Regensburg have their own bitter elixir, I tried one from a different apothecary on Krauterermarkt from the monastery Kloster Heilig Kreuz. It had a medicinal taste, but I do have to say, I did enjoy the stomach settling properties!

Take a Boat Ride to the Wahalla

The Wahalla view from the Danube River in Germany

If you’re looking for a scenic adventure, this is what to do in Regensburg. Book a boat tour to the Wahalla cruising down the Danube River to Donaustauf to the famous German hall of fame and memorial known as the Wahalla.

Perched high on top of a hill overlooking the Danube River is the impressive Neo-Classical building modeled after the Parthenon to display and honor the most distinguished figures of 2,000 years of German history from scientists, artists, politicians, and leaders in a hall full of busts.

This memorial was the idea of Crown Prince Ludwig I of Bavaria in 1807 in an effort to unify the many German states. The construction didn’t take place until 1830 through 1842.

We even spotted a bust with ‘Herder’ on it and decided it must be Scott’s relative. Maybe one day we will have to do a better job investigating to see if that’s true, it belonged to Johan Gottfried Herder, a German philosopher.

Now, one thing to keep in mind if you do decide to do this incredible scenic excursion, the boat will drop you off at the bottom of the hill and you’ll have to climb 350+ steps up to the top to reach the Wahalla. This climb is not suited for anyone who cannot do those stairs/steps.

Dackel Museum / Dacshund Museum

Dachshund Museum aka Dackel Museum in Regensburg Germany

If there’s one place to visit in Regensburg that will put a smile on your face, it’s the Dachshund Museum steps away from the Old Stone Bridge. This is the world’s only museum dedicated to the beloved sausage dog!

Did you know that the dachshund breed originated in Germany as a hunting dog? These adorable low-riding dogs were historically badger hunters and you can see displays that lovingly chronicle the history of dachshunds along with the most adorable displays of dachshund paraphernalia and collectibles.

The museum was founded and curated by the owners Seppi Küblbeck and Oliver Storz, dachshund owners and memorabilia collectors who had a vision to put this museum together for the public to enjoy.

And enjoy we did. Smiling ear to ear while walking from one display to another, you can tell a lot of love went into these collections and displays.

The gift shop is also impressive as they sell anything and everything related to this adorable and loved breed of dogs from socks to beer steins! And if you have your own dachshund, you’re encouraged to bring them along for photo opportunities and puppy pride.

House of Bavarian History

House of Bavarian History Museum in Regensburg Germany

Located right along the Danube River is a recent addition to the city of Regensburg, the House of Bavarian History. Explore 2,000 years of Bavarian history through the exhibits here from Roman history, the Kingdom of Bavaria, to pop culture and World War II history.

I loved that we were immediately greeted by the statue depicting a the popular Löwenbräu lion drinking a beer. It was also fun to see some of the German cars towards the end of the permanent collection too.

We didn’t plan our visit well and didn’t give ourselves enough time to fully experience the exhibits, we look forward to going back on a future visit and spending a little more time learning about the thousands of years history of Bavaria!

document Kepler

document Kepler Museum in Regensburg Germany

Did you know the famed German astronomer Johannes Kepler spent his final days in Regensburg? When Kepler fell ill, it was on his way to Regensburg and the house where he passed away is now a museum dedicated to his life’s work.

In fact, Kepler had no other connection to Regensburg other than this is where he unfortunately passed. The museum is a great place to learn more about the documents, historical instruments used, books, and letters Kepler used in his work along with models of Kepler’s Three Laws.

In addition to being a great place to deep dive in Kepler’s works, you’ll also get to see the inside of a restored 17th century home in Regensburg, which was also an unexpected fascinating feature of visiting this museum.

Where to Eat in Regensburg

obazda cheese spread from Gravenruether in Regensburg Germany

In addition to the Historic Sausage Kitchen and grabbing a Regensburg knacker in Neupfarrplatz Square, here are a few other great places to grab a bite to eat in Regensburg.

Gravenreuther was so good we came here twice! This is where to come for Bavarian cuisine and great beer in a fun traditional beer hall setting. One night we split their specialty Bayerische Tapas, small, shareable servings of ‘Bavarian tapas’ and absolutely loved this experience!

The other night we also split some of their local specialty dishes and ordered the obazda (cheese and butter spread appetizer) with a Bavarian pretzel that was AMAZING.

Restaurant Cafe Coming Home is a sustainable restaurant that offers homemade seasonal and regional cuisine. Due to that, the menu is always changing we both really enjoyed our meals and if the weather was nice, we would have taken advantage of their lovely outdoor patio.

Regensburger Weissbräuhaus is a brewhouse that serves up our favorite local beer and Bavarian cuisine. The ente mit Kartoffelknödel und Rotkraut was the stand out dish here!

Wirsthaus in Heuport has such a cool setting overlooking St. Peter’s Cathedral from its second floor location serving up Bavarian cuisine, we came just for a snack, the obazda cheese spread with beer and that was the perfect midday snack in such a beautiful setting.

It’s not often you get to dine with a view of the gothic cathedral and feel like you’re in a garden setting.

Where to Stay in Regensburg

Regensberg Germany Stone Bridge view of colorful homes

$$ Hotel Central

This is a great location for where to stay in Regensburg, Germany. With a great location nearby the train station and royal residence, it’s only a 15-minute walk to Old Town through the park. We stayed here and enjoyed the quiet, comfortable, modern rooms.

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$$ Hotel Goliath

Centrally located right by the Danube River in Old Town Regensburg, Germany this is one of the best places to stay in town. The rooms are individually decorated with colorful and artistic decor. This hotel also has a beautiful rooftop terrace to enjoy a drink on with a great view of the city. It also has great reviews as people have loved this quirky, vibrant hotel during their stay.

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Things to do in Regensburg Germany

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