
An Afternoon Wandering the Streets of Ubud, Bali (16 Photos)

After being in Ubud for five minutes we realized we did not have even close to enough time to spend here. This area is a magical, tropical, shoppers and travelers dream. The streets are filled with hundreds of shops, local vendors, guest houses, temples, offerings for the gods, and charming restaurants.

Peace offerings scattered along the streets of Ubud.

If you have longer time to spend in Ubud, you can enjoy many of the yoga, meditation, and art places that the beloved town is famous for.

If you are like us, then you might have been trying to squeeze in Ubud while hiking Bali’s Mt. Batur Volcano and checking out the infamous Besakih temple. If so, you you may only have a few short hours. Then enjoy strolling leisurely down the streets, gawking at the temples and browsing at all the cute little shops that Ubud has to offer. But, be sure to watch your step so you don’t crush an offering to the gods that are lined along the streets.

SEE ALSO: Getting attacked by Monkey’s in Ubud’s Sacred Monkey Forest.

Ubud Bali
Photo by John Y. Can

Almost every store or street vendor you can negotiate pricing, and this goes for all of Bali. They will suggest a much higher price than what most customers pay. Something we found out when we were able to talk our way down from $80 a person to less than $80 total for four water rafting down the Telaga Waja River.

Be mindful that the people from Bali rely heavily on tourism to feed their families everyday. The minimum wage is $116 a month, or roughly $4 a day. So don’t sweat the smaller items and push the price too low.

There are so many restaurants you will come across and tell yourself you want to try that place! It was hard to buckle down and pick just one place. The food is delicious and inexpensive. So we suggest to splurge here a little and treat yo’self!

We know they say don’t judge a book by the cover. But sometimes when you’re exploring you have to do just that. Luckily it lead us to this amazing restaurant known as the Kebun Bistro.

Kebun Bistro Ubud Bali
Cute place, beautiful town, great food.

Where we got to try these two delicious dishes.
Ubud Kebun Bistro

Kebun Bistro Ubud
With only 3-4 hours, we really only got to skim the surface of Ubud on our first visit. We wished we had more time to wander outside of the central area and explore what other backpackers claim to be the “real” Ubud. We did come back a year later and spend time here and loved it too. There’s no wonder why this place is a favorite to many travelers of Bali.

Ubud Bali Ubud Bali Ubud Bali Ubud Bali Ubud Bali Kebun Bistro Ubud Ubud Bali Ubud Bali Ubud Bali

Since we had such a limited time in Ubud, we are dying to know what your favorite things to do in the area were. So let us know in the comments below and share your travels.

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