photos that make you want to visit new orleans

31 New Orleans Photos That Will Make You Wanna Go Right Now

I am so excited that we have been able to start exploring the states a bit more this year. We dream of getting an RV and traveling throughout all of North America so it was a real treat to go to New Orleans of all places. For me when I think of NOLA I think the Drew Brees and the Saints, Jazz Music, Mardi Gras, and food. Having never been before, I was “Jazzed” (see what I did there?) to go and see what kind of New Orleans photos I could take!

31 New Orleans Instagram Spots Not to Miss

1. Street Names

Lousiana Street

The city is so cute even the streets and roads got name tags! Wear your best shoes to get a picture with your favorite one. 

2. Jazz Musicians 

Jazz for Breakfast

Where else can you have delicious beignets and some world class Jazz at 8:00 am in the morning. #onlyinnola

3. Jackson Square at Night

We only really had 3 days in New Orleans, plus one free day, and it rained, so we had to mix the best of both worlds — being full-on tourists and going out and creating some fun New Orleans photos. It started off with the only clear day so we took a fun long exposure of the Jackson Square at night with some light trails for a splash of razzle-dazzle.

Jackson Square New Orleans
Jackson Square at Night

4. The Garden District Pathways in NOLA

Garden District New Orleans
PRO TIP: When you want to take some fun portrait shots, do it before you eat in New Orleans

Before we set off to do all the touristy things to do in New Orleans, we had one free day to explore at our own will. We decided to spend this day eating our way through the Garden District.

5. The Mansions in the Garden District

Garden District New Orleans
This is us pretending to walk home. Hey We can dream right!

6. & 7. Buckner Mansion

Buckner Mansion New Orleans

One of the ultimate New Orleans photos to get is in front of Buckner Mansion! Recognize it from a certain Ryan Murphy show?

Buckner Mansion
Megan actually took this awesome shot. Love the shadows and the ominous mood of the Mansion

8. Buckner Mansion

Buckner Mansion

Really you could do this anywhere in the Garden District, ours just happened to be near Buckner Mansion. We decided to re-create the famous Abbey Road cover, but for our New Orleans Instagram shot, Megan was the only model! If you want to know how to do this, check out this video:

9. Commander’s Palace

Commanders Palace

Not only is this a colorful New Orleans instagram spot, it’s one of picks for where to eat.

10. A New Orleans Wedding!

New Orleans Wedding

After hoofing it all the way there our dogs were barking so we hopped on the tram and came back to the best thing ever — a wedding festival! We totally want to do this for our anniversary, and you all are invited.

11. St. Louis Cathedral During the Day

New Orleans Photo

12. The Infamous Bourbon Street

Bourbon Street New Orleans

One of the most famous streets in the city, arguably the world. We actually stayed here at the Bourbon Hotel, and we’d recommend it as one of our picks on where to stay in New Orleans

13. Shadows and Lines 

New Orleans Photo

For a bit of a different perspective in your New Orleans photography, try different angles when shooting up at building rooftops.

14. The LaBranche House

French Quarter New Orleans

The ultimate New Orleans instagram spot! 

15. Ginger Mint Julep Sign

New Orleans Street Photo
Ginger Mint Julep Anyone?

16 & 17. Take Advantage of the Rain for Its Puddles

Nothing like a reflection shot (or cinemagraph) to make for some cool New Orleans photos.

18. Friends and Beautiful Plants

Making Friends in NOLA
Chillin with @bonvoyagebetty

One of the best things ever when we travel is making new friends. We were lucky enough to meet up with a friend we made from instagram. Yes, we make real friends online. We met up with our Instagram pal who’s now our buddy irl Betty and she showed us some of the best New Orleans photography spots, restaurants, and more.

19. Jazz at the Spotted Cat

Frenchmen Street New Orleans

She took us to so many great gems and it started raining cats and dogs and we just had the time of our lives with Betty. Although it made the next days swamp tour a bit difficult ;).

20, & 21. That Swamp Life

A swamp was on my bucketlist and one of the things I was most looking forward to. So we rallied. Luckily we did because the swamps are friggin beautiful. 

Honey Island Swamp New Orleans
Honey Island Swamp Slew

New Orleans Swamp Tour

22. Double Exposures in the Rain

Ghost Tour New Orleans

Double exposure magic or just some night time voodoo?

23. New Orleans at Night

New Orleans Ghost Tour

24. Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau’s Tomb in St. Louis Cemetery No.1

St Louis Cemetery No 1 NOLA

25. Lafayette Cemetery 

Lafayette Cemetery NOLA

Cemeteries may not seem like a good place for some cool New Orleans photos, but the ones here are iconic. Because NOLA is below sea level, all their graves are actually above ground, making for a very different look than what you’re used to seeing.

26 & 27. Soaking Up All The Jazz From Preservation Hall

Definitely the highlight of the trip for me was sitting in this small room in with maybe a packed crowd of 100 people and sitting on the floor listening to legendary Jazz musicians perform. It felt as if I stepped right back in time. It was beautiful.

This is definitely another one on the list for first timers coming to New Orleans. WE PROMISE.

Preservation Hall New Orleans Preservation Hall New Orleans

28. All the Pretty Doors and Houses in New Orleans

After rushing around we really wanted to just stroll around the next day and enjoy the sights and food. We did a lot of roaming, and we noticed that just about every door and house was interesting, so we decided to make a fun video from them: 

29. A Street Poet’s Desk

Typewriter in New Orleans

This scene is just hipster AF. People will straight up write poems for you in the streets of NOLA!

31. Shadows and Light

New Orleans Bar

Next time you sit down near an entrance, see if you can play with the shadows and lights of the place. 

31. Storm Clouds in NOLA

New Orleans Street

Chances are pretty high that no matter when you go to the Big Easy, it’s going to downpour at least once. Might as well take advantage of the ominous clouds to get some nice moody New Orleans photos!

And there you have it! Some fun New Orleans photography to inspire your next visit — just makes sure to bring a rain coat, walkin’ shoes, and loose pants for food.

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photos that will make you want to go to New Orleans


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